An Amish Family in a Church Pew


I wanted to go the Parkside Christmas Concert on Friday night, but Doyle came home and said he had to get his trailer ready for corn shucking the next day. So we didn’t go. I thought we’d go Saturday night. All day Saturday we helped a cousin get his field corn picked. Well, we were exhausted by the time we got home, so we didn’t go to the concert that night either. On Sunday I had an annual Christmas party for 25 friends in my home and usually some stay until 7:00. We didn’t think we could go, but for some reason, this time, they all left by 5:00. So we decided to go to the concert. It was 5:45 and the concert didn’t start until 7:00, but we got there an hour early anyway. We were walking up to the front of the church, looking for some of our friends, when I couldn’t believe who I saw sitting in the pews, an Amish family – a young couple with 9 children. I didn’t say anything to them. I guess I was shocked to see an Amish family in a church pew.

We found a seat way in the back of the church and as I was sitting there, I just felt I needed to go and talk to the Amish family. Why not? I had an hour and Doyle would be saving my seat.

I introduced myself and asked them how they happened to come to the concert. I found out their neighbor brought them and they told me how nice their neighbor was and how the children loved when he came to their home. I said, “What time did you get here?” She said, “5:30” I said, “Wow, your children will have to sit for a long time.” Then she said, “Oh, this is great, these are comfortable pews, they are used to hard benches.”

We talked and found out that they knew of my parents, and one of my first cousins. The man was a nephew to my Aunt, so we had the same aunt. Well, this could get confusing; she was married to my Uncle, my father’s brother. When you are from the Amish or Mennonite background we always like to find out if we are related. While talking she realized who I was and asked, “Did you write a book, something about a basket of broken dishes?” I said, “Yes.” She said, “I read your book.” We talked a little about being a Christian. The man asked me if I talk and understand Dutch. I spoke back in Dutch. You should have seen their children look and take notice of a strange English lady talking to them in Dutch. What a moment to remember. If I would have gone home after talking to them, the drive would have been worth it, but I still had the concert to enjoy.

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I love how God works; He made us busy and tired so we wouldn’t go to the concert on Friday or Saturday night. Then He cleared everyone out of our home at 5:00 and had us go early to church Sunday night. We never know what God has for us to do and say. I just wonder what it really was that He wanted me to say. I sure hope I fulfilled His plan.

Take every opportunity because you never know, moments like this might have been planned by God.

I received a blessing and I pray the sweet Amish family were also blessed.

The Christmas concert was wonderful and the Good News was spoken. The Good News is that a Savior was born and has come to save us!

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