A Special Angel


Talking to my sister Betty today she asked, “Did you remember your sister Dorothy’s birthday last week?”


I slowly with a guilty voice said, “No, what day was it?”


As she was trying to figure out which day, I had a flashback moment and said. “Hey, one day last week, I was writing my blog and got out my study Bible. I opened it and out fell a bookmark that Dorothy had given me. I read it and thought of her. Now what day was this, I know her birthday is the 20th but what day was it?”


I was wondering if I read the bookmark on the day of her birthday.


Betty was still checking when I said, “Hey I know where I can find out which day I read the bookmark. I emailed a blog out to my two daughters for them to edit, and I read the bookmark the day before I sent them the email.”


So I went to my sent file and found out I sent my girls the email the 21st.

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My sister Dorothy’s birthday was Wednesday the 20th! That was the day the bookmark fell out of my Bible.


I didn’t remembered her birthday, but I was definitely reminded of her, on the day of her birthday!  It took talking to my sister Betty to make me realize that I had a Gentle Whisper and didn’t know it at the time.


Dorothy would have had her 70th birthday this year. Twelve years ago she passed away from cancer.


I just love these little reminders that God is all around us. We see His glory everywhere. I saw how He changed my sister’s life and took her to her heavenly home. Her life changing story is in my book “A Basketful of Broken Dishes”.


The book mark read: To My Sister – A SPECIAL ANGEL


“This is a very special angel as you can plainly see, the reason it’s so special is it’s just for you, from me. Whenever you are lonely or even feeling blue you only have to hold this angel to know I think of you. So keep this angel with you as a reminder of the joys we’ve shared and remember it’s a symbol of a loving heart that cares.”     1996 DMC


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